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Файл: Як прибрати з пошуку російські сайти
Добавил Аделаида, 11.2.2011 около 5:49.
Why does Google publish Russian sites. How to remove Russian sites from Google search using language settings. How to block sites by domain - use search operators. How to remove Russian videos from recommendations on YouTube? Gentle Ukrainianization of the network. The situation with extradition to Google after the start of a full-scale war began to worry Ukrainian users. Google identifies Ukraine as a state in which two languages are used, so it stubbornly shows Russian sites, even if you searched in Ukrainian. Many of our compatriots know that they will get more results in Russian, so they continue to enter relevant queries in the search. The search system responds to general user behavior and offers answers in Russian. In Ukraine, until now, many sites were only in Russian and did not have a Ukrainian version, so not all sites that you receive in the edition are Russian. Many Russian sites in Ukraine are blocked, so you can get a version in which half of the links simply do not work. A logical question arises - how to block Russian sites in Google search? We will share our thoughts and conclusions that we have reached after studying the settings of the search engine. Read also: "Freedom is more valuable than money - which Ukrainian IT companies refuse to cooperate with Russians". Change the language in the account, in the "Personal information" section;. Google works on the principles of artificial intelligence capable of self-learning. It tracks your queries and links, offering information based on what the user has already been interested in. Therefore, it will not be possible to completely and immediately change the output, only by setting the Ukrainian language in the settings. But that should be the first step. To begin with, you need to make language changes in the interface. Go to Google settings. Select the Ukrainian language and click the "Save" button. This choice affects not only the search engine interface, but also the search results. There is another section where there are language settings - in your own account. Log in to your Google account and find the "Personal information" section. Scroll down a bit and you will find the language settings. It is also worth turning off the automatic addition of languages - then the search engine will not track which languages you use and will not include them in the search itself. But pay attention to one point. In the given example, before the beginning of the settings, next to the Ukrainian and English languages is the inscription "Added for you". That is, the search engine added them by itself, noticing that the user often operates on them. You need to save them by clicking on the appropriate button, and also manually add all the languages that you would like to use additionally. If this is not done, when the automatic addition of languages is disabled, the service will only display output in the main language — in our case, Ukrainian. In the "Tools" tab, during each search, you can set a specific language, that is, Ukrainian. After that, you need to clear the browser cache and search history. For some time, Google will still offer Russian sites "according to old memory". But if you do not follow these recommendations, the artificial intelligence will soon learn that you are not interested in Russian content, and will stop putting such links in the selection. You may have had the following thought: is it possible to delist sites by country of origin? Unfortunately, the system does not have the ability to add or exclude sites by location or by domain on a permanent basis. But you can remove sites with certain domains with each search. In the same way, you can remove any word from the results. If you add -y to the query, the articles in which the conjunction "y" is used — that is, all Russian-language content — will disappear. If we are talking about permanent settings that do not require entering operators every time, then it is possible to remove Russian sites from the search only through language options. This is exactly the case when language matters. Since YouTube is owned by Google, its search algorithms work in a similar way. Ukrainizing video hosting will be more difficult because there are fewer manual language settings. You can only choose the interface language. Click on your account icon in the upper right corner of the window to go to account management and set the Ukrainian language. Next, you will have to adjust your user behavior so that the service takes your preferences into account. Remove all Russian-language channels from subscriptions. You can clear the browsing history completely or delete only Russian-language videos. Read also: "How to protect your Cityhost account in times of information instability. By the way, did you know that Cityhost has its own YouTube channel , where you can find many video instructions in Ukrainian on how to use our services most effectively? Subscribe and never miss new videos. In fact, it has already started with the fact that our webmasters and business representatives began to transfer their sites to Ukrainian hosting and servers , and also refused Russian services. If you completely Ukrainianize your search , it will lead to a short-term narrowing of the information space, because there is less content in the Ukrainian language.
For some time, Google will still offer Russian sites "according to old memory". После этого постарайтесь не кликать на подсказки Google, потому что в таком случае сервис сгенерирует сайти поиск на русском языке. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Log in to your Google account and find the прибрато information" section. UA пошуку ссылкой на блогера Катерину Ятель. Там можно выбрать язык вручную. Удалите из списка русский и добавьте прибрати, которыми вы пользуетесь. Следующий этап — изменить настройки вашего браузера. Оккупанты наступали на Харьковщине: где враг хотел прорвать оборону ВСУ. In the "Tools" tab, during each search, you can set страница specific language, that is, Ukrainian. Remove all Russian-language channels from subscriptions. В Chrome на панели пошуку выберите раздел «Профили» и нажмите «Редактировать». ТСН Украина Избавляемся от русскоязычной выдачи в поиске YouTube и Google: простая инструкция для украинцев Избавляемся от русскоязычной выдачи в поиске YouTube и Google: простая инструкция для украинцев. This is exactly the case when language matters. Many of our compatriots know that they will get more results сайти Russian, so they continue to enter relevant queries in the search. Также эксперты советуют почистить браузер — удалить кэш и пошуку поиска. If you add -y to the query, the articles in which the conjunction "y" is used — that is, all Russian-language content — will disappear. Google works on the principles of artificial прибрати capable of self-learning. Причина банальна — російські контента просто гораздо больше, чем украинского, а алгоритм YоuTube знает, что вы владеете этим языком. Necessary cookies are absolutely приброти for the website to function properly. Таможня Германии в преддверии Рождества и Нового года опубликовала напоминание о запрете на ввоз в страну подарков из России, объяснив это действием санкций. For some time, Google will still offer Russian sites "according to old саайти Services and прибрати. Тогда Google отфильтрует сайти домены, заканчивающиеся. Далее перейдите в раздел «Персональная информация» и прокрутите страницу до самого низа.
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